Welcome to the LT PRODUCTIONS website!

You will need 3dmm to watch these movies, but most have a youtube page for you to watch them aswell. Click on any link in the NavBar below to go to a page.

Current Movie Count:
free web counter


It's been 10 days since I did an update for the site. It's now on a shiny new domain and I revamped the way the navbar looks. Also working on an about page.


Added a movie counter to show people how many movies there are on the site.


A new update for the website! 4 new movies have been added to the site, the 3dmm.com poster links to a gallery of posters thread on 3dmm.com, and I updated some other stuff.


Happy New Year! The headers on every page except for the index have been changed with images, and a new movie (DAWN) has been uploaded.


Added news area to website for user to look at updates.