Site News:
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3/7/2025 - Need Movie Submissions for New Update
Since St. Patricks Day is coming up, I decided to make a little site theme for it. Unfortunetly though, I haven't getting any submissions for the site. So that this isn't just a site reskin, go ahead and go to the submissions page and follow the instructions there.
3/3/2025 - Added Themes
I decided to finally make a theme for the site that actually uses the .us part of 3DMM.US. There's also a settings page on the navbar to switch between the US theme and the standard look. Enjoy this mini quality of life update.
3/1/2025 - Small Update
I designed the site so that the colors were a bit less saturated (easier on the eyes), and that every page used the same background. Expect a new update on March 7th.
2/14/2025 - Valentines Update
Happy Valentines Day! I added a few new movies to keep y'all entertained for a little bit. I'm currently working on MoonJug still and I hope it releases in March. Enjoy this little update!
1/8/2025 - Mini Update
A new update for the website! 4 new movies have been added to the site, the poster links to a gallery of posters thread on, and I updated some other stuff.
1/1/2025 - New Year's Update
Happy New Year! The headers on every page except for the index have been changed with images, and a new movie (DAWN) has been uploaded.